Monday, April 13, 2009

Trials and Tribulations

Let's face it, the earth is not Heaven, and it never will be. One reason for this is that this world is filled wilt trials and tribulations, Heaven on the other hand will never have troubles because it is the perfect place where God Almighty, who is without sin dwells in all His radiance and glory. We as human beings are sinful and cause people to have trials and tribulations, that is our nature. We cause people to be angry at us even if we are being ourselves. People twist what we think about other people and things that they do not need to be talking about and they gossip about it. God tells us not to listen to gossip, and to tell those who are gossiping about someone to us that we do not want to hear about what they have to say about that person. We are to set out minds on things above, not earthly things. If we focus on the things of God above, we will be able to handle the trials and tribulations with God's help and my question to you is if there is any one who is better to be on our side and help us through difficult times. The answer is no. God loves us and will never tempt us beyond what we are able.

Trust in God during trials and tribulations,
Mark Cannon

1 comment:

Mikes Sumondong said...

1 good thing to remember: we are citizens of heaven. we're just passing by. Praise the Lord!