Thursday, August 6, 2009


During our lives on the earth we go through seasons of winter, spring, summer, and fall. As human beings we also go through emotional seasons including joy, anger, sorrow, pain, love, worship, happiness, learning, growth, encouragement, and endurance. We can be joyful at the fact that we have a hope in Jesus Christ our Saving King and we also know that joy comes in the morning if we are in Christ because He renews our strength and is the wellspring of joy and He gladly gives His joy to us because after all the joy of the Lord is our strength. We feel angry over people who have destroyed a relationship or friendship we had thought we built with that person, and we are angered causing us to have clouded judgment in other areas of our lives for example relationships with other people Christians and non-Christians alike. We become sorrowful because of deaths of friends and family and loss of houses and money. We feel pain from the daily grind of life, being rejected by non-Christians whom we do our best to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with. When we are a member of the Kingdom of God we can know that triune God will always love us no matter our skin tone, no matter our income, no matter our athleticism, no matter our race, no matter our age, no matter our gender. We are to worship Christ Jesus with a humble and joyful heart and we worship God because He is. We can be happy because of family we have, friends we have, cars we have, and the house we have. We are always learning about Scriptures, life, and love. We grow in our knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ daily. We encourage fellow believers who are struggling and we encourage those who are down and in need of help or of time spent with them. We must endure to the end of this life and fight the fight of good faith.

Seasons happen, God bless you as you live through them,
Mark Cannon

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